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Septic maintenance can be costly, but is important for protecting water quality and your wallet in the long run. To make it more affordable, 50% reimbursement (up to $200 / septic system) is available for septic inspection and pumping. The program encourages and assists residents to maintain their septic systems to prevent pollution of surface waters in the Flathead Basin. 

Attention Flathead and Lake County Community Members:

We are currently updating the Septic Maintenance and Reimbursement Program to better protect our watershed.

All completed applications (application + receipt + pumping report) received after May 31, 2024, will be evaluated against new guidelines.

The new application form and guidelines will be published and available on July 1, 2024. Please note, the new guidelines will more strictly prioritize septic systems in close proximity to impaired waterways.

If you have any questions about the update or an application in process, please contact the Lake County Conservation District at  or 406-676-2811, ext.102

If you would like a copy of the new application when it is released, please send your request to:

Thank you to everyone who has participated in this program. By maintaining your septic system, you help protect our fragile watershed!

Interested in applying?

Submit applications, questions and inquiries to:

Caroline McDonald, Conservation Coordinator | 406-676-2811 x102
Lake County Conservation District
64352 US Highway 93, Ronan, MT 59864

The applicant will be notified of their application approval or denial within 2 weeks of submission. Following a completed septic pumping and inspection, a receipt from the Septic Pumping Contractor/Entity as well as a complete Septic Reporting Form must be submitted in order to receive reimbursement. 

Click the links to download the list of certified contractors and reporting form.

Thank you for helping protect Montana’s treasured waters! 

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