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Soak Up the Rain: The Benefits of Residential Rain Gardens

“Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head.” This was not only a popular song from B.J. Thomas back in 1969, but also our reality in the Flathead Valley for the month of June. Why not harness the power of these raindrops and use them for good?

Rain Gardens are depressed areas in the land that collect rainwater from impervious surfaces, like your roof, driveway, or sidewalk and allow it to soak back into the ground. These gardens are vegetated with deeply rooted native plants and grasses and are a beautiful and colorful way to reduce runoff from your property.

Rain gardens are not only cost-effective and simple to install, but they also provide many benefits to our local watershed. Rain gardens are an attractive way to help improve water quality and keep pollutants out of our pristine streams, rivers and lakes. In fact, rain gardens can remove up to 90% of nutrients and chemicals and 80% of sediments from the rainwater runoff. They can also reduce flooding on your property and provide habitat for native butterflies and songbirds. If properly maintained, rain gardens can enhance the aesthetics of your property while also boosting the value of your home. So why not get started today?

The Flathead Conservation District in partnership with the City of Kalispell and the Flathead Basin Commission can help you purchase plants for your rain garden and provide technical assistance for its installation. To learn more about how you can become involved in the Flathead Rain Garden Initiative follow this link!

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