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Do I need a 310 Stream Permit?

One of the most common questions we get asked is, “Do I need a 310 permit?”  Generally, if you’re planning to work in or near a stream, then you probably do. Since the permits are free, we encourage everyone to err on the side of caution and apply. If your project is outside our jurisdiction and you don’t need a permit, the District will make that determination after viewing the site and you can do the work, worry free.

When determining if a project needs a 310 permit, the Districts works closely with Fish Wildlife and Parks to assess the possible impacts to our streams and stream channels. Each stream is unique and the possibility of impacting a stream varies depending on bank slope and height, stream width and depth, vegetation along the stream, and numerous other variables. This also means the District can’t determine if a project will require a permit until they view the site and discuss the proposed work. So, if you’re planning any work in or around a stream, apply today for your free 310 permit.

310 Law
1. What is a 310 Stream Permit?
2. Do I need a 310 Stream Permit?
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